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Blog posts tagged with 'kukkutasana'



What is Kukkutasana and it's benefits?

The yoga asana is kukkutasana which means in sanaskrit word rooster/cock . It improves our flexibility and strength. you can feel your arms and spine extending while your shoulders, joints , elbow and wrist become fortified. The pose helps you a lot of power in your arms and also like this asana -padamasana, tadasana and bakasana. This asana especially helps your chest wider become more open and extensive. This asana Strengthen arms, spine, joints, wrist, elbow and shoulders. It helps you in increase your balancing ability and strength.



The hands are squeezed between the thighs and calf muscles until they reach the floor.when palms are finally touching the floor spread your fingers wide,pointing forward. Now you can lift yourd body pressuring on the hands . the body is above the floor. And you are supporting its entire weight with your palm.

♦ Sit in Padmasana, the leg over leg reflection present.

♦  Press your hands between the thighs and the lower leg muscles, till it contacts the floor.

♦ Keep the hands on the floor with palms somewhat spread out and pointing forward.

♦  Squeezing the palms attempt to raise yourself up over the ground. The whole weight of the body ought to be upheld by the palms alone. This requires a touch of parity. With training it tends to be effectively accomplished. In the last represent the breathing ought to be typical.

♦  Stay in the last situation for whatever length of time that you are agreeable. Breathe in and hold the breath while raising the body. Come back to the ground. Breathe out while bringing down the body. Rehash this procedure scarcely any occasions.

♦  During the training, mindfulness ought to be kept up on the breath or on keeping up the parity of the body.